16 April 2009

falling in love again

dear body:

i owe you an apology. i know you and i have had a falling out in the past couple years. for awhile i felt like you had betrayed me. the slim figure i once knew was replaced will all sorts of curves and mucles, not to mention the byerly bulge*, and that's a lot for a frame as small as mine. some mornings when i was getting dressed, i'd look in the mirror, pleading "Why don't you love me anymore?!" But as I rode my bike those twenty-some miles in the wind, and Legs pumped up and down like a machine, and Arms held strong, and all felt so good, i thanked Father to have blessed me with such a strong, capable, and healthy body. i think that beautiful bike ride made me fall in love with you again. thanks for always being there for me, and i promise to do you good these next days, weeks, months, and years.


*the byerly bulge is the little tummy that all of the women in my family have. regardless of any efforts to eat super healthy and/or exercise, the bulge never budges.

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