26 January 2009

[Un]Official Bob Ross Day

Is Bob Ross Day
Even though he's dead
We still love him anyway..."

The first few lines to the Bob Ross Day Song. My dear friends Ella and Severie (see ode a couple posts below) and I decided to establish a day of appreciation for the late Bob Ross about....4 or 5 years ago. I'm not really sure. But, one day we got to talking about how much we loved to watch Bob Ross and what a fantastic man he was, and then it was his day. We drew pictures and posted posters everywhere announcing the unoffically declared holiday. We spread his face and his happy portraits up and down the halls of our school, and shared the wonders of his life. Did you know he didn't just paint, but he also filmed wildlife shots? Mostly of happy little squirrels? He lived in Alaska for a long time and wanted everyone to believe they could be an artist.

I can't remember why we chose January 26th, but I do remember there being math involved.

Regardless, here are some wise words from this joy-emanating man:

"We don't make mistakes; we just have happy little accidents."

God bless you, Bob Ross.

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