02 September 2009

that which moves my spirit

I've recently brought back to life my joy journal -- appropriately dubbed "That which moves my spirit"
          and just in time to match these newly penned pleasant notes,
                                                                              a long run of wildly wonderful, fulfilling days

sunshine.beauty. sand. everywhere. pasta and good friends.sundays.lazy, hazy Saturday afternoons.wandering.purpose.thoughtful conversation.incessant giggling.harry potter.silly internet quizzes.baking.books.alice in wonderland.getting to know someone new and loving every minute. grocery shopping.cleaning. being free.getting organized.doing the dishes. making someone smile.feeling loved.family. and knowing it all just keeps getting better

1 comment:

David's Holla Atchya! Blog said...

That must have taken you two light years to decorate those words, but do not think your work was in vain; I LOVE it.