I'm terribly bored at the moment.
Summer has brought more free time -- at home and at work. Summer has brought me sunny days to work on my tan and a calm ocean to cool my skin. Smoothies, lemonade, lots of watermelon. Movie nights. Long jogs. Great books.
I am only about a week in and I am ready for things to pick up again.
Thank goodness I will start my internet classes soon. I'm not looking forward to Biology or History, but I am looking forward to being done with them.
Last night we had a Christmas party. That was great. I feel like we have to start calling our hang out times "parties" and give them certain themes just to get by. I love Laie, but there is just not much to do.
I do, however, like that I have time to cook and to plan out my meals. I like eating balancedly. Hmm. That should be an adverb but I don't know you can change that into an adverb. I have been writing an English Skills Assessment test all morning and my brain is starting to pick at itself -- analyzing its own grammatical structures and word choices, comma placements, and style. Dear Brain, please stop.
I just wished I like vegetables. But I read a research paper about that: picky eaters. I can't help it. It's genetic. Thanks Mom and Dad.
I bought a pattern and some fabric. I am going to sew a dress.
I think by now I am so used to being busy that I don't know how to really relax and enjoy my summer. I'll put that on my list, too.