11 December 2011

lazy lucy and chatty cathy

Finishing the semester has had two major effects on me:

1) A burst of supreme laziness complete with hours on end of Korean dramas, Chopped reruns, and the movies I didn't want to pay for to see in the theatre. I skipped showers (more than usual) and didn't wash dishes for a couple days.

2) A burst of sociableness. I like people, I do. But I like staying at home and hanging out with Travis more sometimes. Especially if I am tired and have  homework. But now without that excuse, I spent the whole night on the phone calling my family and Trav's family, and texting a million friends at once. And I am going to three parties this week.

A side note, I bought these amazing leggings that are pretty much sweater pants. Like comfort for my legs:


collette charles said...

woot! you made it through your first semester of grad school! so proud of you!! :) :) happy legging/sweats wearing!

collette charles said...

also. chopped. so upset we didn't get to watch this together. someday!

Anonymous said...

Oh I was looking into these sweater leggings too! are they warm? !